If you have recently purchased your first dartboard (or are looking to do so), you may be wondering how long the thing will last.

After all, you want to take your new hobby seriously, and plan on growing as a darts player through the only tried and true method out there: regular play. However, the more you play the more wear and tear you will create for your new dartboard.

How Long Does a Dartboard Last?

You can expect your dartboard to last 2 to 5 years with average use. If you play more frequently the dartboard will wear out quicker. A dartboard that sees daily play may need to be replaced in 6 months to a year.

But as with most things, there is no straight answer to the question of how long a dartboard will last because the total useful life of your dartboard can vary depending on a number of factors. Let’s take a look

Factors that Affect How Long A Dartboard Lasts

To have a better idea of how long you can expect your dartboard to last, you will have to have a clear understanding of the factors that can negatively affect the board’s lifetime.

Dartboard Material

The first of these factors is the material with which the board was made. You see, not all dartboard materials are equal and some boards will last longer than others.

Modern dart boards readily available for purchase in today’s market can be made out of vastly different materials, ranging from plastic to cork, to flimsy paper and cardboard, to higher-end models that are made out of sisal fibers.

As you can imagine, these types of materials have varying thresholds to the type of wear and tear generated during regular dart play. For example, while cork dartboards will last a bit more than ones made out of paper, they will both suffer significant damage even after some moderate play.

A Bristle Dartboard Will Last Longer Than Other Materials

Plastic boards will generally last quite a bit. However, this is because plastic dartboards are meant for use with soft-tip darts.

For steel tip darts, sisal fiber dartboards are the longest-lasting. This is due to the natural fiber’s resistance and durability. Not to mention that the manufacturing process behind these boards provide them with a sort of self-healing capacity.

So, if you want your dartboard to last as long as possible, make sure to purchase a model made with tightly packed high-grade sisal fibers.

Rotating Your Dartboard

Another factor that heavily affects the useful lifetime of a dartboard is rotation. Rotating your dartboard is a concept that may initially seem odd to you, but upon a closer look, you will understand why it is a necessary step to extend your board’s life.

Dartboards begin to accumulate damage as soon as you start using them. Tiny holes will begin to add up and eventually make it so that your dartboard will need to be replaced.

Turn your dartboard clockwise 2 or 6 segments

This wear and tear generally happens around the high traffic area of the board like the triple 20.

If you rotate the dartboard on a regular basis, then you can significantly minimize the number of holes and micro-tears that will appear on any given section. In other words, rotating your dartboard regularly evens out the damage; thus, prolonging the life of your investment.


Yet another factor you must keep in mind is the environment. If you hang your board outdoors, then the weather will come into play. If your board gets wet from rain it will degrade significantly faster. If your board receives direct sunlight for extended periods of time, it will discolor.

Board Usage

Ultimately the longevity of your dartboard is going to come down to how frequently it is used. Play once a week and it will last longer than if you play once a day. If your sessions or short or long, all play a role.

Multi-Core Dartboards Are Longer Lasting

Multicore boards are a relatively recent advancement in the world of modern dartboards, but they have revolutionized dartboard longevity.

Multi-cores are a popular high-end feature only found on certain bristle dartboards, so don’t expect to find cork or paper multicore dartboards. 

So what is a multicore dartboard, and how does it increase board longevity and useful lifetime?

A multi-core dartboard is a dartboard that has been constructed with more than one layer of sisal fibers. These sisal fiber layers are individually compressed to different levels of compression, which alter the way the impact of a dart is absorbed by the board.

For example, a dual-core dartboard such as the Winmau Blade 6 Dual Core has an outer core with a lower level of fiber compression to improve dart penetration and reduce bounce-outs.

However, beneath the outer core, there is an inner core of sisal fibers with a much higher level of compression which enhances dart retention and reduces kinetic impact.

The new Blade 6 is the first board to introduce a triple-core, adding carbon fiber to a third high-compression inner core that accentuates the benefits of having multiple fiber cores even further.

You can expect to pay a bit more for the advantages of having a multi-core dartboard, but with the marked increase in your board’s longevity, it is an investment that is well worth considering.

Final Thought on Dartboard Longevity

Taking these factors into consideration, I feel comfortable enough to provide you with the following guideline:

If you are a casual player, you can expect your dartboard to last you anywhere from 2 to 5 years.

If you are a semi-casual to a moderate player, then 1 to 2 years of regular darts play can be expected before needing to replace your board.

If you are a heavy player, meaning that you practice daily and often play for extended periods of time, you should not expect to get more than a year of useful life for your dart board (more if you have a multi-core board).